Brix Design A/S has now been awarded the ”Elite Smiley” by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, the equivalent to the FDA in the United States.
This status is achieved when the DVFA has made four inspections in a row without any remarks. We are inspected once a year, so it has taken us four years to achieve this “Elite” status, and we are of course very proud of that.
The inspections by the DVFA are made to ensure that we do not sell any products that come in contact with food or drinks, without having the proper documentation of food safety beforehand. All the products we sell have to meet the regulations set by the EU, and similar authorities like the FDA in the US. |

We also have to meet the regulations regarding traceability. This means that we have to be able to trace back a certain product to a specific batch of raw material from which the product is made. This of course demands a lot of efforts on our part, as well as for our vendors around the world.
We will therefore like to take this opportunity, to make people aware that the products we sell, meet all the regulations regarding food safety and traceability. Everyone should feel safe using our products, and this recent stamp of approval from the DVFA just confirms that we do everything possible, to ensure this safety.
If you wish to learn more about the DVFA and the inspections, please follow this
link. You can read more about the regulations we have to meet regarding food safety